SPIRITUAL Spiritual Telepathic Telekinetic ESP % RELATIVE Father Uncle Grandfather Grandmother Son Daughter Mother Aunt Postman Dog-catcher IRS Man Hairdresser Avon Lady % WEAPON Meat Cleaver Hatchet Machete Phased Plasma Rifle (40 watt range) Chain Saw Samuri sword Axe Machine Gun Anti-tank weapon FRUIT % GHOST Ghost Evil Spirt Poltergist Demon Phantom Bogie Man % RELIGION Buddist Methodist Baptist Islamic Moslem Roman Catholic Athiest % UFFO UFO Flying Saucer Space Ship Mother Ship Space cruiser USS enterprise Galactic Space Cruiser % PLANET Pluto Mars Venus Mercury Neptune Saturn Jupiter The Moon % ET Extra-terrestial E.T. Space Alien Being Space Being Cyborg Humanoid Alien % FRUIT Mango Tomato Banana Cherry Apple Plum Pear Orange Tangerene Lemon Lime % MADNESS Crazed Drug Crazed Insane Manic Depressive Neurotic Psychotic Psychopathic Devoted Religious Fanatical Pathalogical % KILLER KILLERX KILLERX KILLERX MADNESS KILLERX % KILLERX FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT Great White Shark Terminator Ewok Wombat Bee Wasp Whale Shark Lion Dolphin Elephant Worm Clam Kitten Lobster Tiger Leapord Panda Crocodile % COLOR Purple Orange Violet Red Green Yellow Blue White Black Grey % BODYPART Leg Arm Head Hand Foot Finger Toe Shoulder Elbow Knee Nose Ear % MCELEB Ronald Reagan Frank Sinatra Michael Jackson Prince Mick Jagger Donny Osmond Jonny Carson Richard Nixon Prince Charles George Lucas % FCELEB Princess Diana Queen Elizabeth Nancy Reagan Linda Ronstadt % BABY Baby Child Son Daughter % ATE ate kidnapped took killed maimed injured raped % SAYS Says Reveals Admits Claims % SAY Say Reveal Admit Claim Warn % DOCTOR Doctor Psychologist Psychiatrists Physician Neurologist Dentist Optician % SCIENTIST Scientist DOCTOR Chemist Physicist Meta-physicist Engineer Computer Scientist Professor Whizz Kid Brain Boff AI Expert Pattern Recognition Researcher % NATIONALITY Russian Soviet British Polish French Belgian Swiss German Spanish Mexican American Canadian Australian Chinese Japanese % DESEASE Herpes Aids Flu Leprosy VD Back ache Chicken Pox Headache % FICTCHAR Santa Claus Bigfoot Snow White God Budda Mary Poppins The Loch Ness Monster The Wicked Witch of the East The Wizard of Oz Captain Kirk Biggles Kermit the frog Batman Superman Spiderman Skeletor He Man % KILL Kill Murder Maim Slaughter Mutilate Shoot Mug % NUMBER NUMBER1 twenty NUMBER1 thirty NUMBER1 forty NUMBER1 fifty NUMBER1 sixty NUMBER1 seventy NUMBER1 eighty NUMBER1 ninety NUMBER1 % NUMBER1 two three four five six seven eight nine % FOOD Taco FRUIT Enchilada Burrito Chile Relleno Tostada % PERSON KILLER Football player Man Woman TV Personality Game Show Host Politician SCIENTIST DOCTOR NATIONALITY SCIENTIST NATIONALITY DOCTOR Student NATIONALITY Student ET % AIRCRAFT Aeroplane Helicopter Airship Hot air balloon Helium ballon UFO Jet fighter 747 DC10 % CELEB MCELEB FCELEB % ADJECTIVE grape erect flaccid lucid volatile sacrificial monotonic ritual ultra-violet incestuous insipid mangy beautiful sensuous pulsating autonomous royal subtle structured turbo-charged jet-propelled geriatric sub-normal hasty lovely happy ecstatic lonely seminal frequent yellow mauve paisley sick matte hard slimy awful wonderful grotesque magnanimous bletcherous neutral horny brownian decent indecent homicidal homosexual lesbian cloudy pusillanimous intersticial hyperbolic smelly pallid ethereal natural synthetic heavy narcotic hallucinogenic alcoholic cosmic radio-active gay % NOUN cavern tribble warp drive camera ADO masturbation lemon laxative snob idiot genius intellectual yogurt resurrection alien iron lung atomic bomb hard-on turbine car airplane vomit aluminum cocaine aphrodisiac diahrrea linked list yellow submarine amplitude modulation hypertension orgy time-base corrector erection ejaculation floppy disk inflatable woman main buss hyperdrive torso removable cartridge negative entropy ion drive brownian motion invertible matrix bomb terminal bubblegum peanut butter laser software hardware cosmos universe bagel disk-pack PDP11/70 gnome rabbit carp U S S Enterprise auto-chroma PHOENIX ADO apocalypse byte interrupt vector harmony core-dump frame-store apple chicken sandwich ant planet mango banana VPR 2 vena cava harp seal network coke machine star galaxy super-nova head-hunter aardvark wombat bit-plane astral plane hyper-space sun moon Klingon Space Cruiser gorilla Tyrannasaurus Rex Mug Root Beer Omni-byte Lamina air-flow tape transport mechanism % NAME Rev Sun Myung Moon Menachim Begin Darth Vader Yoda Princess Leia Luke Skywalker R2D2 Obi Wan Kenobi E.T. Hare Krishna Godzilla Robby the Robot Zaphod Buddah Princess Diana Prince Charles Ronald Reagan Tony Orlando John Kennedy Winnie the Pooh Garp Genghis Khan Michaelangelo Gunga Din Robert Browning Margaret Thatcher Jimmy Carter Jane Fonda Liza Minnelli Frodo Gandalf Dwalin Balin Fili Kili James T Kirk Spock Uhura Dr Armand Hammer % VERB program massacre murder love magnify debug beautify violate rotate chriek scream murmur whisper enlighten nuke pinch throw thrash abandon create destroy mount pre-process compile gestate generate maintain compile parse fly stench hasten fornicate frequent approach laminate interrupt herniate signal correlate concatenate write dilate predispose articulate erect plant rescind plough rip out seed eat mow grow grope groan sacrifice idolize jellify adulterate stipulate hallucinate support fondle carress touch descend ascend meditate project eject incarcerate remove protect tumble % PLACE The World Beyond Redwood City Australia Nevada Austin, Texas Magrathea Outer Space England San Franciso Castro Street San Jose LA New York Orlando, Florida Missouri Middle Earth The Shire Barsoom Planet Vulcan Fremont Airport White House Tokyo Transylvania Times Square Wall Street Stanford Shopping Center San Rafael Israel Beirut Qom Frodo's hobbit-hole Mordor BBC television center Dr. Who's Tardis Red Square Kremlin Majorca Monte Carlo Hsi-Nan restaurant Nirvana % CODE CONST\ CONST\ CONST\ CONST\ CONST.\ CONST.\ CONST.TRAILER\ % TRAILER CELEB reveals all. Exclusive pictures inside. NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s offer undeniable proof. Photographic evidence offers proof. % CONST "Killer KILLER's from PLANET ATE my BABY" SAYS CELEB "CELEB is really ET from PLANET" SAYS CELEB "CELEB is really ET from PLANET" SAYS NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s MCELEB and FCELEB Secretly Wed in PLACE, Its official Eating FRUIT|s can give you DESEASE, SAY NATIONALITY DOCTOR|s "ET|s from PLANET gave me DESEASE" SAYS CELEB "FICTCHAR is for real". NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s come up with undeniable proof. "MCELEB is really my father", SAYS CELEB. "FCELEB is really my mother", SAYS CELEB. NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s discover lost city of PLACE. CELEB KILL|s NUMBER PERSON|s in drunken rampage. CELEB Falls NUMBER thousand feet out of AIRCRAFT ... and survives. "ET's from PLANET landed in my garden and ATE NUMBER FRUIT|s" SAYS CELEB. FCELEB Gives birth to NUMBER BABY|s. RELIGION Monks report UFFO Sighting in PLACE. Real Life Ghost Busters Excorcise GHOST from CELEB|s home in PLACE. BABY KILL|ed by Pet KILLER. PLACE|'es amazing KILLER Girl. I Chopped my RELATIVE to death with WEAPON. PERSON goes beserk and KILL|s NUMBER PERSON|s with WEAPON. FCELEB tells of night of terror with MCELEB. "He threatened me with WEAPON". MCELEB tells of night of terror with FCELEB. "She threatened me with WEAPON". FRUIT|s have SPIRITUAL powers, say NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s. PERSON sees face of FICTCHAR in FOOD. NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s produce SPIRITUAL KILLER Girl. PERSON KILL|s NUMBER PERSON|s with WEAPON, then is aquitted by Jury. NUMBER Years for WEAPON Murderer. "I would do it again" says CELEB. PERSON Struck by lightening for the NUMBER|th time. Jury aquit Notorious WEAPON Murderer from PLACE. MCELEB and FCELEB seen together in PLACE. "Is it love"? PERSON|s bizarre claim. "NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s planted mind control device in my head". "Is there a FICTCHAR?". NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s offer new evidence. "FICTCHAR ATE my BABY", SAYS PERSON. % %